Academy Awards trivia (8pm ET)

By Online Team Trivia (other events)

Monday, March 21 2022 8:00 PM 10:00 PM EDT

Movie Lovers Unite! If you know the difference Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling ... add this date to your calendar. We'll cover decades of movies. AND ... IT'S FREE TO PLAY! In addition to trivia, we'll have a Best Team Name Contest so be creative and your team might just win a prize!

The game will be online using Zoom. The game starts at 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 5pm PT. You can play solo or with a team of fellow fans. When we ask a question, you will go to a Zoom "Breakout Room" (with your teammates, if applicable) where you will deliberate the answer for a couple of minutes. Then the rooms will close and you will submit your answers from the main session.

Pop some popcorn and join us online!